Parties stress core messages as election nears

As polling day approaches the leaders have been travelling the country in a bid to win votes.
2024-07-03 00:06:37

These seats have voted Tory for decades. That might be about to change

Can other parties really win seats that have mainly voted for the Conservatives for decades?
2024-07-02 12:08:02

Parties hammer home key messages as polling day nears

Despite the rhetoric the Conservative campaign is undeniably crouched in a defensive posture.
2024-07-02 00:06:45

France's parties launch new push after far-right success

National Rally's rivals aim to prevent it from winning an absolute majority in the National Assembly.
2024-07-01 20:07:33

How does Labour want to tackle poverty?

The political parties have been laying out how they would address poverty.
2024-06-28 17:07:45

French parties in final push for votes ahead of crunch poll

Post Content
2024-06-28 08:07:47

Our correspondent looks at reaction from both parties after Biden and Trump faced off for the first time in this election cycle.
2024-06-28 08:07:44

The Nigerian queer parties that offer liberation

Post Content
2024-06-27 04:06:43

Who should I vote for and what are the parties promising?

Explore the manifestos of the main parties in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and compare their policies on key issues with this interactive guide.
2024-06-26 19:08:07

The lowdown on what the different parties are promising

Explore the manifestos of the main parties in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and compare their policies on key issues with this interactive guide.
2024-06-25 15:08:49

Macron Says Extreme Opposition Parties Will Cause Civil War

Post Content
2024-06-24 22:08:13

South African Political Parties Nearing Accord on Cabinet Posts

Post Content
2024-06-24 19:09:12

Parties ignoring 'painful' choices, says think tank

2024-06-24 12:10:36

Organisations warn parties against social care 'betrayal'

Organisations including Age UK and Carers UK say social care provision "has slipped far below an acceptable level".
2024-06-21 04:06:46

Main parties battle over first-time buyer help

Labour and the Tories accuse each other of failing to match promises on housing, a key election issue.
2024-06-20 15:09:34

Will parties stick by contested economic claims in Question Time special?

Rishi Sunak, Keir Starmer, John Swinney and Ed Davey face very different challenges, writes Henry Zeffman.
2024-06-20 08:10:01

'I haven't been able to see an NHS dentist since Covid'

Andrew Sparkes, from Somerset, is calling on all parties to "sort out the dental crisis".
2024-06-17 10:09:05

Ed Davey to face questions as parties lay out plans on cancer

Labour, Tory, Lib Dem and Plaid Cymru representatives will be quizzed on Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg.
2024-06-16 07:07:31

Demonstrations against far-right parties in France

Post Content
2024-06-15 21:08:16

St. Patrick's Day parties are ripe for spreading coronavirus variants. Don't let that happen

St. Patrick's Day was the first major holiday of the Covid-19 pandemic in the US, and we've learned sobering lessons since then.
2021-03-17 11:07:47

St. Patrick's Day parties are ripe for spreading coronavirus variants. Don't let that happen

St. Patrick's Day was the first major holiday of the Covid-19 pandemic in the US, and we've learned sobering lessons since then.
2021-03-17 11:07:47

Elő a naptárakkal, Conor McGregor újra nagyot fog bunyózni

Conor McGregor hamarosan úja összecsaphat Dustin Poirierrel. Ariel Helwani, az MMA-s ügyekben elég jólértesült újságíró úgy tudja, már csak apróságokon múlik, hogy a két ketrecharcos harmadjára is egymásnak essen. Helwani szerint július 10-én kerül sor az összecsapásra, a 264. UFC-gála főmeccseként. Dustin Poirier vs. Conor McGregor 3 is close to being finalized for UFC 264 on July 10, according to multiple sources. It is not signed or fully agreed to yet, but all three parties seem optimistic at this time that it could be finalized as soon as this week, sources say. ? Ariel Helwani (@ariel...
2021-03-29 18:06:47

Israeli PM back in court as parties weigh in on his fate

2021-04-05 12:06:15

Covid: Paris police probe 'secret luxury dinner parties'

French authorities investigate after an undercover video claims to show secret luxury dining.
2021-04-05 13:06:10

Undercover video sparks outrage over secret dinner parties for Paris elite

An undercover report showing members of the Paris elite enjoying secret dinner parties in luxury restaurants and flouting Covid-19 restrictions has sparked fury in France, and prompted the city's prosecutor to launch an investigation.
2021-04-06 12:05:43

Video shows Paris elite enjoying secret dinner parties amid pandemic

An undercover report showing members of the Paris elite enjoying secret dinner parties in luxury restaurants and flouting Covid-19 restrictions has sparked fury in France, and prompted the city's prosecutor to launch an investigation.
2021-04-06 22:05:42

Women detail drug use, sex and payments after late-night parties with Gaetz and others

The first thing some of the women were asked to do when they got to the house parties in the gated community in suburban Orlando was to put away their cellphones, according to two women in attendance who spoke to CNN in recent days. The men inside, a who's who of local Republican officials that often included Rep. Matt Gaetz, did not want the night's activities documented.
2021-04-14 13:05:48

Azt terjesztette: a koronavírus kamu, meghalt, miután illegális bulikat rendezett

Egy norvég összeesküvés-hívő, aki azt gondolta, a koronavírus nem létezik, meghalt napokkal azután, hogy két bulit is tartott az ingatlanában ? írta az Insider. A 60 éves Hans Kristian Gaarder tesztje pozitív volt a vírusra, miután meghalt április 6-án, előtte nem tesztelték le. Gaarder március 26-án és 27-én is bulit tartott, azt nem tudni, mennyi ember részvételévvel. A helyi hatóságok szerint már hetek óta beteg volt ekkor, de titokban tartotta. Több mint egy tucat résztvevő tesztje lett azóta pozitív. Mivel azt nem tudják a rendőrök sem, kik vettek részt a partikon, felhívást intéztek, am...
2021-04-19 12:05:53

A day after ex-police officer Derek Chauvin was convicted, both parties in Washington sought common ground on police reform

Real hope for police reform -- even in the rancorously divided US Senate -- shows the seismic impact of the guilty verdict in the trial for George Floyd's murder.
2021-04-22 07:05:40

Afghanistan could face 'bad possible outcomes' as US withdraws, says top US general, but negotiated peace still possible

As the US began turning over military bases to the Afghan security forces Saturday, the top US general warned of the potential for "bad possible outcomes" in Afghanistan, while adding that "the intent of many of the parties is still to have a negotiated settlement."
2021-05-03 01:05:41

Afghanistan could face 'bad possible outcomes' as US withdraws, says top US general, but negotiated peace still possible

As the US began turning over military bases to the Afghan security forces Saturday, the top US general warned of the potential for "bad possible outcomes" in Afghanistan, while adding that "the intent of many of the parties is still to have a negotiated settlement."
2021-05-03 20:07:48

Congress faces make-or-break moment to secure bipartisan deals on key Biden priorities

President Joe Biden's bipartisan push faces a crucial moment on Capitol Hill this month where talks over several big-ticket items could lead to major legislative victories hailed by both parties -- or they could collapse and prompt a bitter round of recriminations and open partisan warfare.
2021-05-10 16:05:40

Chinese county bans birthday parties in bid to be frugal

The rules only apply to all communist party members, civil servants and village organisation leaders.
2021-05-13 07:06:18

Israel's political stalemate is unmoved by the conflict with Hamas

Hours before the first rockets were fired toward Jerusalem two weeks ago, the bloc of political parties trying to oust long-term Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from power was cautiously optimistic. The group, led by former TV anchor Yair Lapid of the centrist Yesh Atid party, would be able to form a government within a week or two, or so they thought.
2021-05-26 15:06:31

Israel politics: Lapid nears coalition after Netanyahu fell short

Israel's opposition parties are close to a coalition agreement to form a "government of change".
2021-05-30 14:06:12

Right-wing Israeli leader joins coalition to oust Netanyahu

Israeli opposition leader Naftali Bennett says he's ready to join parties on the Left to form a new unity coalition government that could unseat Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. CNN's Hadas Gold reports.
2021-05-30 22:05:44

The Latest: Oslo virus surge linked to high school parties

2021-06-02 13:06:23

Israel's political stalemate is unmoved by the conflict with Hamas

Hours before the first rockets were fired toward Jerusalem two weeks ago, the bloc of political parties trying to oust long-term Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from power was cautiously optimistic. The group, led by former TV anchor Yair Lapid of the centrist Yesh Atid party, would be able to form a government within a week or two, or so they thought.
2021-06-02 14:06:01

Midnight deadline approaches for Israeli coalition to unite and challenge Netanyahu

A coalition of Israeli opposition parties were approaching a midnight deadline on Wednesday to form a government, in the most serious challenge yet to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's rule.
2021-06-02 15:05:40

A four-day weekend, a pageant and a concert announced for Queen Elizabeth II's Platinum Jubilee

Britain's royal family has announced a four-day holiday weekend in June 2022 to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II's 70th year on the throne, with a program of events featuring a parade, street parties and a live concert at Buckingham Palace.
2021-06-02 15:05:43

Midnight deadline approaches for Israeli coalition to unite and challenge Netanyahu

A coalition of Israeli opposition parties were approaching a midnight deadline on Wednesday to form a government, in the most serious challenge yet to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's rule.
2021-06-02 20:05:53

Israeli opposition parties strike coalition deal, paving the way for Netanyahu's exit

A coalition of Israeli political parties announced Wednesday night they had agreed ?to a deal to form a new government, paving the way for the exit of Israel's longest serving prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.
2021-06-02 23:05:46

Israel opposition parties agree to form new unity government

Naftali Bennett will initially become PM, meaning an end to Benjamin Netanyahu's 12-year tenure.
2021-06-02 23:06:47

'Strange bedfellows': Wolf Blitzer on Israeli opposition coalition

A coalition of Israeli political parties announced they had agreed ?to a deal to form a new government, paving the way for the exit of Israel's longest serving prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. CNN's Wolf Blitzer discusses with Oren Liebermann and Gil Hoffman, Chief Political Correspondent at The Jerusalem Post.
2021-06-03 03:05:39

Israeli opposition parties strike coalition deal

2021-06-03 14:05:46

Midnight deadline approaches for Israeli coalition to unite and challenge Netanyahu

A coalition of Israeli opposition parties were approaching a midnight deadline on Wednesday to form a government, in the most serious challenge yet to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's rule.
2021-06-08 16:05:47

US Senate passes sweeping bill to counter China tech reach

The historic $250bn bill saw divided parties unite to compete with China's technological ambitions.
2021-06-09 10:06:07

Israeli opposition parties strike coalition deal, paving the way for Netanyahu's exit

A coalition of Israeli political parties announced Wednesday night they had agreed ?to a deal to form a new government, paving the way for the exit of Israel's longest serving prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.
2021-06-11 20:05:47

Israel's Netanyahu poised to lose power to new government

Israel's long-term leader is set to be unseated by a coalition of parties which united against him.
2021-06-13 04:06:09

Madrid protests: Thousands rally against Catalan pardons

Right-wing Spanish parties say plans to pardon separatist leaders are a threat to national unity.
2021-06-13 23:06:08

The real earthquake in Israeli politics

The new Israeli government sworn into power on Sunday is a motley coalition of political parties with no common ideology beyond ousting Benjamin Netanyahu and ending his 12-year rule. Skeptics rightly wonder how a government could survive that includes both an avid supporter of West Bank settlers like the new Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Mansour Abbas, a man Bennett once labeled a "supporter of terrorism" and now calls "a decent man."
2021-06-15 04:05:41

Szado-mazo szexbulikat finanszíroztak a COVID-alapból

A Klub Verboten nevű, fétisbulik rendezésére specializálódott közösség egészen pontosan 36235 font támogatást kapott Anglia Kulturális Helyreállítási Alapjából az anyaszervezetén keresztül ? közölte a brit Sun. A Művészeti Tanács úgy írta le a klub anyaszervezetét, az Unbevennantot, mint egy olyan kreatív produkciós vállalatot, amely értékesen járul hozzá az éjszakai élethez kapcsolódó gazdasághoz, és támogatását számos munkahely létrehozására és védelmére fordítja a COVID-biztonságos rendezvények révén. Azt is hozzátették: tisztában vannak vele, hogy bizonyos dolgok nem valóak mindenkinek, d...
2021-06-15 11:06:11

Hungary's parliament passes anti-LGBT law ahead of 2022 election

Hungary's parliament passed legislation on Tuesday that bans the dissemination of content in schools deemed to promote homosexuality and gender change, amid strong criticism from human rights groups and opposition parties.
2021-06-15 16:05:44

Hungary's parliament passes anti-LGBT law ahead of 2022 election

Hungary's parliament passed legislation on Tuesday that bans the dissemination of content in schools deemed to promote homosexuality and gender change, amid strong criticism from human rights groups and opposition parties.
2021-06-15 16:05:45

Juneteenth by the Numbers 2021

Juneteenth is the oldest known US celebration of the end of slavery. African Americans and others mark the anniversary much like the Fourth of July, with parties, picnics and gatherings with family and friends.
2021-06-19 13:05:42

The NY race that could determine Trump's fate

This Tuesday, June 22, New Yorkers will head to the polls to select candidates to represent their respective parties for key citywide posts, including mayor and comptroller. But for voters in the borough of Manhattan, there is one race on the ballot that stands out for its implications, which extend far beyond the confines of the island and the city: the race for district attorney for New York County, commonly referred to as the Manhattan DA.
2021-06-20 19:05:40

France election: Macron and Le Pen fail to make ground - exit poll

Early results indicate Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen's parties have failed to make ground.
2021-06-21 01:06:00

Macron and Le Pen dealt setback in French regional elections marred by record low turnout

French President Emmanuel Macron and far-right leader Marine Le Pen were both dealt big setbacks as their parties performed poorly in regional elections that saw a historically low turnout rate.
2021-06-21 13:05:39

Macron and Le Pen dealt setback in French regional elections marred by record low turnout

French President Emmanuel Macron and far-right leader Marine Le Pen were both dealt big setbacks as their parties performed poorly in regional elections that saw a historically low turnout rate.
2021-06-21 13:05:41

Macron and Le Pen dealt setback in French regional elections

French President Emmanuel Macron and far-right leader Marine Le Pen were both dealt big setbacks as their parties performed poorly in regional elections that saw a historically low turnout rate.
2021-06-21 18:05:45

Macron and Le Pen dealt setback in French regional elections

French President Emmanuel Macron and far-right leader Marine Le Pen were both dealt big setbacks as their parties performed poorly in regional elections that saw a historically low turnout rate.
2021-06-21 18:05:46

Airbnb cracking down on Cincinnati parties

2021-06-29 21:05:43

Chaotic pop-up block parties disrupt neighborhood

2021-07-30 03:05:45

Biden notches big win as Senate passes $1 trillion infrastructure bill after months of intense talks

The US Senate passed a historic, sweeping $1.2 trillion bipartisan package on Tuesday to shore up the nation's crumbling infrastructure with funding for priorities like roads, bridges, rail, transit and the electric grid -- a major achievement for both parties and President Joe Biden, fulfilling key agenda items, including his promise to work across the aisle.
2021-08-10 18:05:40

The 10 Senate seats most likely to flip

The passage of a sweeping infrastructure plan in the Senate on Tuesday gives both parties plenty of ammunition heading into a midterm campaign season -- look no further than the most competitive Senate seats for how that will play out.
2021-08-11 13:05:43

This election result should scare Democrats 

On its face, the result of a single state Senate race isn't the sort of thing that merits national attention from the leaders of both national parties.
2021-08-25 01:05:39


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